Monday, April 11, 2011

Member of Parliament Meets Entrepreneurial Dorset Plumber

Successful local firm A.P.Chant of Bridport has recently hosted a visit from their local MP, Oliver Letwin.

A.P.Chant is the biggest privately-owned plumbing, heating and electrical company in West Dorset, according to their website. It was begun by Ashley Chant who started working as a local plumber in 1992 and is now Managing Director of a business operating across Dorset, Somerset and Devon.

The visit was an opportunity for Ashley Chant to showcase his firm's work and to tell the MP about all the exciting developments for the company in the next twelve months, which includes the proposed Renewable Energy Centre building, located next to the A.P.Chant Head Office.

Ashley Chant, Lucy Chant and Oliver Letwin also discussed the government's proposed policies on renewal energy.

Following the visit, Ashley Chant said: “We were obviously delighted to welcome Mr Letwin to A.P.Chant, we are all very proud as to what we’ve achieved as a business despite the economic situation and the affects that that’s had on the building sector in the last few years. Mr Letwin was very interested in this new and exciting development in the business."

It's good to see a local firm getting attention from a senior local politician. Let's hope Oliver Letwin receives, and accepts, more invitations to visit Dorset businesses in the coming months.

Photo from A.P.Chant. From left to right: Lucy Chant, Oliver Chetwin, Ashley Chant.