Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Dorset Professionals Group celebrates its first Christmas

This is a guest post from Matt Haines, who recently started a new Dorset business networking group.

Following on from a hugely successful first event in September, Wednesday 14 December sees the Dorset Professional Group's Christmas Quiz Night at The Colliton Club, Dorchester.

I formed the group, with the support of Old Mill, after noticing an opportunity for a more social, relaxed networking event in the area. The group is aimed at professionals in Dorset who are below Director/Partner level, with the view of creating a second tier network which, over time, develops into the top tier. The relaxed atmosphere allows members to get to know each other on a more personal level, which can surely only help a professional relationship to develop!

Our first event was a skittles and curry night at the Victoria Hotel, Dorchester. Attendance was phenomenal with over 30 solicitors, bankers, accountants, land agents and other professionals turning out to take to the alley! A champagne prize draw was well received at the end of the evening - something which will be repeated at future events.  We used this night as an opportunity to get feedback on how members would like to see the group operated, as well as proposals for future events. The general consensus was a quiz night...so that's what we're doing!

Due to the time of year the group is having to compete with the office party season but early indications are that we have been victorious, with around 30 people expected for next week's event. A mixture of both familiar and new faces are due to attend and pit their wits against some questions carefully crafted by myself and Old Mill marketing manager, Kim Lowe. Fans of The Office will be pleased to hear that currently there are no plans to settle tied scores by hurling shoes over the venue...but all could yet change!

My vision for the future of the group is to hold a quarterly event, rotated between Dorchester, Weymouth and Bridport. To maintain numbers at current levels would be a fantastic achievement, but, being an optimist, I'm always looking to improve so I'm hoping to continue to build numbers as the group evolves.

Lastly, a couple of "thank you's" to Weymouth & Portland Chamber of Commerce, and Barry White of Humphries Kirk for their kind support in helping the group's invites reach the masses. Something I'm extremely grateful for.

For further information on the group, or to register for events please contact me on the following:

Emai: matt.haines@oldmillgroup.co.uk
Telephone: 01305 755640
Twitter: @OMDorsetProfs or @Matt_Haines_ACA